Media seminar: Sharing your expertise with news rooms around the world

C16 Pope Building, University Park
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Could you share your expertise on topics in the news? Are you registered on our Media Expertise guide but unsure how to get yourself on television?

Andy Gales, Head of Partnerships at Globelynx (the company behind the Press Office media camera) and a former Commissioning Editor for Sky, will be in Nottingham to discuss how he works with media around the world, using the news agenda to pitch out experts for commentary.

Liz Cass, Head of News, and Charlotte Anscombe, Media Relations Manager for Arts and Social Sciences, will be there to help advise on how we work with Globelynx and the support and training we offer within the University.

Drinks and light refreshments will be served.

This event will take place 12-12.45pm, Tuesday 12 June 2018 at C16 Pope Building, University Park.

Register your place at EventBrite.