Nottingham has a growing and vibrant LGBTQ+ community that is at its best when it celebrates its intersectional diversity. As part of LGBT History Month 2018, we are hosting a networking event where various LGBTQ+ groups and allies are invited to join together to discuss the future of the community and how we can take steps toward a fairer and more representative tomorrow.
Groups that have been invited include QTIPOC Notts, Notts Trans Hub, OutBurst, Shady Cow, DirtyFilthySexy, and the student union and staff networks of both the University of Nottingham and Nottingham Trent University.
There is full wheelchair access and the organisers are enacting a zero-tolerance safe space policy to respect individual identities and privacy.
Please feel free to bring your own food. Drinks can be bought at the bar.
We look forward to meeting you there to work towards a better future.
Book your place via EventBrite.