Supporting children with autism in mainstream schools

Dearing Building, Jubilee Campus, Room C42
Registration URL

Autism 920x400

Presented by Judith Morgan, Autism Team Lead, Nottingham City, as part of the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Seminar Series 2017/8.

‘Inclusion is about the quality of a child's experience; how a child develops his or her skills, participates in the life of the school and learns and plays with children from a range of backgrounds. Many children with autism can be supported to play a full role in mainstream schools’ (National Autistic Society).

This seminar will raise awareness of the impact of autism on a child’s ability to access a mainstream school environment and curriculum. Practical strategies and approaches to inclusion in the classroom will be considered and illustrated for application in early years, primary and secondary settings.

Judith Morgan has experience of working with children on the autistic spectrum both in special school and mainstream settings. She has co-managed a Focus Provision for pupils with autism and severe and challenging behaviours within a large inner city Secondary School. Within this role she instigated Post 16 one year course preparing students for college. As SENCo, within this setting Judith has experience of supporting teachers and TAs to include pupils with a variety of disabilities including autism.

At present Judith is the Autism Team Lead for Nottingham City Council, supporting the inclusion of children on the autistic spectrum in mainstream early years, primary and secondary settings.

This is a free, event, however booking is required.

Order your ticket on our EventBrite page.