Keeping your body clock ticking

B1, Physics Building, University Park Campus


Part of the Science Public Lecture Series, Keeping Your Body Clock Ticking is a lecture by PhD student Mitchell Masterson of the Schools of Psychology and Pharmacy. This lecture explores circadian rhythms and their affect on the body.

Circadian rhythms are your body’s natural daily cycles, keeping things ticking over in every cell of your body. Most of us are only really aware of them when we get jet-lagged but they do have upsides too! Not only do they control when you feel the need to sleep but also your body temperature, when you’re best at wound healing, growth and what times you’re best at learning and remembering, to name a few.

This talk will cover how circadian rhythms are controlled and how they control you, with insights into how we study them in a lab.

Find out more about the Science Public Lecture Series.