Putting Churchill on the Screen

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530609-Churchill-FeatureEventHeader-920x395-CMGThe Institute for Policy and Engagement brings you another instalment of its public lectures series.

We are delighted that our upcoming speaker is going to be our very own Prof Stephen Fielding, Professor of Political History and Author of “The Churchill Myths”.

Professor Fielding will give an overview of his book with the opportunity to ask him questions and engage in the discussion.

The Institute’s lecture series offers you the chance to hear from people who can offer insights into a complex and rapidly changing world that defies traditional analysis, and who can reflect on what it means to be an “expert” and to build trust in a less deferential, sceptical and often polarised environment.

The talk will be followed by Q&A online via Teams Live.

Speaker profile: Professor Steven Fielding

This is a free event, which is open to members of public.