An Audience with Professor Sir Steve Jackson

A1 Medical School, Lecture Theatre 1, Queen’s Medical Centre
Registration URL

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University Honorary Graduate Professor Sir Steve Jackson is coming to Nottingham to deliver a talk about ‘DNA repair: from mechanistic insights to new medicines.’

Originally from Sherwood, Nottingham, he is the University of Cambridge Frederick James Quick Professor of Biology and Senior Group Leader at the Cancer Research UK (CRUK) Cambridge Institute.

His academic research laboratory has identified key mechanisms by which cells respond to and repair DNA damage, and helped define how their dysfunction yields cancer and other age-related diseases. He has also received various national and international prizes, and in 2023 was awarded a knighthood for his services to innovation and research.

Come and join us for this special event to be introduced by our new Pro Vice Chancellor for the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Professor Sube Banerjee.

If you have any queries about the event, please contact Sarah Greaves, our Alumni Volunteering Manager for the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at

Please note: This event is for University of Nottingham staff and students only.