Sex, Drugs and Water Inequality

Physics Building (lecture theatre B1) University Park Campus
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With Professor Rachel Louise Gomes MBE, 
Professor of Water and Resource Processing

Water is our global currency and we are all water consumers, but what happens to the water we use? Each of us interact with the water cycle and rely on it to provide quality water to meet our many needs. 

Engineering plays a vital role in designing processes to clean up our used waste and water. But how are we managing global challenges that include pharmaceutical drugs, sex hormones, and plastic pollution in our waters? 

And what will the wastewater treatment process of the future look like - where pollutants become products, and our planet’s waste may also be its wealth?

This lecture is part of the monthly science public lecture series. These events showcase research from scientists at the University of Nottingham and are free and open to all!

The lecture will be held in the Physics Building on University Campus. The building is located within Building 22 (grid reference F2) on the University Campus site map