Contact Us


We are interested in receiving feedback on any aspect of Equality & Diversity. This may include positive or negative feedback on a University Policy or you may wish to tell us about your personal experience of studying or working at the University.

The information gathered will be on an anonymous basis, however, if you would like someone to contact you to discuss your concerns or feedback please provide your contact details.

The information gathered will be analysed and will provide very important and useful information to the University and will be considered by the Advisory Groups and University Executive Board.

Please send us an email with your feedback.

 Kings Meadow Campus entrance canopy



General Advice

Please direct your any queries in the first instance to your area Human Resources Business Partner

If you have a broader enquiry relating to any of our Equality and Diversity policies or processes please contact Carolyn Stanhope, Head of Specialist Services. 

If you have an enquiry about recruitment, please email: