Human Rights Law Centre

19th Annual Student Human Rights Conference 2017: Human Rights in a Digitalised World

Highfield House, University Park
Saturday 17th March 2018 (10:00-17:30)

HRLC presents:

Human Rights in a Digitalised World

19th Annual Student Human Rights Conference

Saturday 17 March 2018

In an increasingly digitalised world, our rights and obligations are evolving at an unprecedented rate. Owing to such unbridled technological change, it is imperative that our current legislative framework for human rights should also develop alongside it in order to protect our redefined rights as global "e-citizens".

The aim of this conference is to further explore the implications of digitalisation on national and international law and its possible future developments. The conference will also explore the various implications on the right to privacy and in particular, the fine balancing act of such rights with the importance of national and international security. It will also critically examine the role of the internet as an open marketplace of ideas and the complications that may arise within it. It will also consider the implications of internet access, or the lack thereof, on global inequality and whether our current framework for human right is robust and effective enough to cater to our ever-changing relationship with technology.

Tickets for the conference can be bought via the online store.

For more information about the Conference, visit our website. Follow us on social media: @UoNHRLC (Twitter) and @UoN_HRLC (Instagram).

Human Rights Law Centre

School of Law
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

+44 (0)115 846 8506