Human Rights Law Centre

Human Rights Film Series presents Chicago Girl

A39 Clive Granger
Monday 22nd February 2016 (18:15-21:00)


From her childhood bedroom in the Chicago suburbs, Ala'a, an American teenage girl, uses social media to coordinate the revolution in Syria. Armed with Facebook, Twitter, Skype and cameraphones, she helps her social network "on the ground" in Syria to show the world  brave snipers and shelling in the streets amidst the  human rights atrocities of a dictator. But just because the world can see the violence doesn't mean that the world can help. As the revolution rages on, everyone in Ala'a's network must decide what is the most effective way to fight a dictator: social media or AK—47s?

This film invites reflections not just on the Syria crisis and its terrible impact on many civilians' lives, but also on the question as to how new technology can play a role in contributing to human rights activism. The film will be introduced by Auriane Botte , a PhD student who works on accountability of States for international crimes. She, together with Mrs. Rachel Miller, a local fundraiser from Nottingham who has successfully raised more than £20,000 to aid refugees in Syria,  will be here to answer any relevant questions. 

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The Human Rights Film Series is a student-led Human Rights Law centre initiative open to staff and students of the University of Nottingham. It shows engaging and provocative films which bring challenging human rights issues to life. The context of each film is briefly introduced by a relevant export followed by discussion. Screenings are organized by a student committee and are free and open to all staff and students.

Human Rights Law Centre

School of Law
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

+44 (0)115 846 8506