Human Rights Law Centre

Annual Human Rights Conference: Call for Papers

Our annual human rights conference, organised by a student committee, is a great opportunity for early career researchers, students, academics, practitioners and the general public to participate in discussions and learning about human rights law and practice. The 20th HRLC Annual Conference will be taking place on 29 March 2019 - the topic is The European Court of Human Rights – 60 years of success?

At nearly 60 years old, the ECtHR has seen a lot of political and social changes, shifting attitudes, developing case law and modification to internal procedures and practices at the Court itself.

The conference aims to critically analyse the work of the ECtHR, and to help understand how the Court and the European Convention on Human Rights have dealt with both substantive and procedural challenges.

There have been successes, but also failures, during the ECtHR’s impressive 60 year history and we want to hear what you have to say on a variety of issues.

The Student Conference Committee invites the submission of papers addressing any substantive or procedural issues from postgraduate research and taught students in any discipline on one of the themes outlined in our Call for Papers (PDF).

Using the application form (Word), please provide a short abstract of no more than 1,000 words by 1pm, Thursday 13 December 2018 and send it to

For more information, please follow our social media pages below, or email us at

Posted on Friday 16th November 2018

Human Rights Law Centre

School of Law
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

+44 (0)115 846 8506