Human Rights Law Centre

Dr Olympia Bekou attends the 11th Session of the Assembly of State Parties for the International Criminal Court in The Hague

From 14 - 22 November 2012 Dr Olympia Bekou, Head of the HRLC's International Criminal Justice (ICJ) Unit, will be attending the Eleventh Session of the Assembly of State Parties (ASP) for the International Criminal Court in The Hague.  The highlight of the 2012 ASP will be the election of the Deputy Prosecutor of the ICC coupled with the commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the entry into force of the Rome Statute.

On Monday 19 November Dr Bekou will be presenting at a side event entitled ICC Legal Tools Project:  PURL, Publications and Other New Developments (13.45 - 14.30).  This event will be co-hosted by the governments of Finland and Norway, the Legal Tools Project Co-ordinator and Case Matrix Network.

HRLC is an outsourcing partner of the Court, the only such partner based in the UK for its flagship Legal Tools Project, to which the ICJ Unit's work on the National Implementing Legislation Database (NILD) is central.

Posted on Thursday 15th November 2012

Human Rights Law Centre

School of Law
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

+44 (0)115 846 8506