Pain Centre Versus Arthritis

The mechanisms of physical activity and exercise with chronic musculoskeletal pain

Friday 15th October 2021 (13:00-16:15)

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Please note this meeting is for staff and for partner instituions 


Pain Centre Versus Arthritis & Precision Imaging Beacon External Scientific Meeting:  The Mechanisms of Physical Activity and Exercise with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain

Date: 15 October 2021
Location: MS Teams
Time: 1pm - 4:15pm UK time 
Host: Dr Paul Hendrick

Programme and speakers
 Time  Speaker and talk title
 1pm  Welcome – Dr Paul Hendrick (15mins)

Plenary talk by Professor Rob Smeets (30 mins)

Maastricht University 

How can we improve the timeliness and effectiveness of our interventions to change physical activity in chronic musculoskeletal pain? 


Professor Paul Greenhaff (15mins)

The negative impact of inactivity on metabolic health


Professor Weiya Zhang (15mins)

Do types of exercise matter for OA pain?


Thomas Bestwick Stevenson (15mins)

SALI study: Ankle sprain and pain


Dr Stephanie Smith (15mins)    

Muscle function in individuals with osteoarthritis knee pain; past present and future direction


Wendy Chaplin (15mins)

Central aspects of pain and prediction of future frailty 


Dr Jakob Skarabot (15mins)

Motor unit activity and morphology underlying muscle inhibition and weakness in knee osteoarthritis


Lianne Wood (15mins)

Exercise for chronic low back pain: what do we know?


Ben Smith (15mins)

Should exercises be painful


Dr Paul Hendrick (30mins)


 4:15pm Meeting closed

Guest speaker biography


Rob Smeets

Rob Smeets smiling at the camera

Maasticht University 

Prof. dr Rob J.E.M. Smeets (1964) is aphysiatrist since 1995 and received his PhD in medicine in 2006 (effectiveness of different treatment modalities for chronic disabling low back pain and measuring performance). He is professor in Rehabilitation Medicine at Maastricht University (0.4 fte) and works as a physiatrist  specialized in chronic musculoskeletal pain at CIR Eindhoven.

He is past chair of the International Association of the Study of Pain (IASP) special interest group op Pain & Movement, and the scientific committee of the Dutch Association of Rehabilitation Medicine (2011-2014),  and chair of the workgroup Development of the Dutch Guideline Chronic Pain Rehabilitation. Currently is the chair of the Local Organizing Committee of the Pain Science in Motion congress which will be held on May 19-20 2022 in Maastricht. He is internationally recognized in the area of musculoskeletal pain research as well as rehabilitation medicine. He authored >195 international peer reviewed articles. His work has been cited >13.000 times and has an H-index of 54 (Google Scholar). See Rob Smeets profile.  


Pain Centre Versus Arthritis

Clinical Sciences Building
City Hospital
Nottingham, NG5 1PB

telephone: +44 (0) 115 823 1766 ext 31766
fax: +44 (0) 115 823 1757