
Beacon Equipment

Find out what new equipment has been acquired by the Propulsion Futures Beacon of Excellence.

New cryo-free HighTMag Facility installed July 2021

A new cryo-free HighTMag facility will greatly enhance the suite of experimental equipment currently available in Nottingham for characterisation of novel electronic and optoelectronic materials and devices in a wide range of temperatures (2K<T<400K) and magnetic fields (B<16T).


High T Mag_410x273


This new equipment will significantly expand the current Beacon’s nanomaterial/thin film characterisation facilities by providing capability to measure microscopic devices and devices in commercial packages required to progress to high Tier level applications within current Beacon’s activities relevant to novel materials, sustainability and energy harvesting. It will also significantly enhance our ability to discover new phenomena and exploit them in thermopower generation. The new capability will be strongly demanded for other research activities relevant to the development of above-room-temperature functional devices required for the propulsion systems. The new HighTMag equipment will be custom built, so nothing equivalent is currently operational in the UK. 

View the Beacon equipment list 

University staff wishing to book equipment should use the Workspace booking pages

External organisations wishing to access any equipment should contact the listed academic lead or contact us at  

 Some of our current equipment 

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