Professor of Energy Storage Technologies, Faculty of Engineering
Professor Jo Darkwa is part of the Buildings, Energy and Environment Research Group.
My research interests cover the following areas:
Energy Storage in Phase Change Materials (PCM), Thermochemical Energy storage systems, Energy Conversion and Sustainable systems, Low Carbon Construction Materials, Integrated Environmental Energy Management, Low Energy Buildings, Desiccant Technology, Integrated PV/PCM/Thermoelectric systems, Indoor Air Quality, Green roofs, Energy modelling, Green Transport Technology, Total Quality Environmental Management, Green Refrigeration and Air Conditioning systems.
I welcome inquiries from potential PhD candidates with an outstanding academic record and an interest in the above or related topics.
I welcome enquiries from potential PhD candidates from Home, EU and international countries who are interested in the following research areas: Thermochemical energy storage technologies, Phase Change Materials (PCM), Multiphase Change Materials (MCM) systems, Sustainable Energy systems, Micro bio-fuel power systems, Low Carbon Construction Materials, Integrated Environmental Energy Management, Low carbon Buildings, Desiccant Technology, Green roofs, Urban Heat Island modelling, Green Transport Technologies, Integrated Environmental Energy Management and Total Quality Environmental Management.
Faculty of EngineeringThe University of Nottingham University Park Nottingham, NG7 2RD
telephone: +44 (0) 115 74 86257 email: