Left, Prof. Peter de Groot; Right, example AR simulation
Optical metrology for alternative reality systems
Guest speaker: Professor Peter de Groot
Abstract: Virtual and mixed reality, smart eyewear, immersive multimedia and other forms of computer-simulated visual environments rely on complex optical systems. Traditional helmet-mounted displays employ off-axis and freeform optical elements; while more recently, planar waveguides have enabled an astonishing immersive experience over wide fields of view in full color. These component technologies require precision non-contact metrology at several stages of development and production, including full-area surface form measurements with laser Fizeau interferometry, metrology of complex form, and surface texture analysis for scatter control and quality control of diffractive surfaces.
After an overview of digital optical immersive display technology, I will describe two specific applications of optical metrology for this technology area using coherence scanning interferometry (CSI). The first is precision measurements of the aspheric form of aspheric microlenses and lens molds, using 5 axis staging and stitching of multiple views at different angles with respect to the steeply-sloped surface. The second is evaluating the parallelism and surface form deformation for stacked planar waveguides, using a unique 60-mm diameter field of view microscope objective.
Biography: Peter de Groot is Honorary Professor at the University of Nottingham and a visiting member of the Manufacturing Metrology Team headed by Prof. Richard Leach. Peter is a physics PhD with 30 years’ experience in optics, specializing in interferometric methods for position and displacement monitoring, 3D form measurement, and surface texture analysis. He is the Executive Director of R&D at Zygo Corporation, where he heads the Innovations Group, tasked with the solving challenging problems in optical metrology using inventive instruments and methods. Peter is an inventor for 137 US patents, an author of 162 papers and book chapters, an OSA Fellow, a Fellow and Director of the SPIE, and multiple award winner for innovation.