Manufacturing Metrology Team

19th euspen Conference well attended by MMT


Sofia and Giacomo are awarded the Haidenhain Scholarship

Sofia Catalucci, Hamid Hadian, Giacomo Maculotti, Richard Leach, Samanta Piano and Darukumalli Subbareddy attended the 19th International Conference of the European Society of Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology in Bilbao. Sofia presented an oral paper “Automated assessment of object coverage in smart, optical form measurement”, Giacomo presented an oral paper “Multi-sensor data fusion for the characterisation of laser cladded cermet coatings”, Hamid presented a poster “Gear measurements using optical point autofocus profiling” and Reddy presented a poster “On-machine optical surface topography measurement sensor based on focus variation”. MMT was also co-author on two other papers on European project results, “Material standards design for minimum zone fitting of freedom optics” and “Micro product and process fingerprints for zero-defect net-shape manufacturing”. Posters can be found here. Richard chaired a workshop on In-process Manufacturing Metrology and a technical session. Well done to Sofia and Gicomo who both won a Haidenhain Scholarship. Unfortunately, this year, The euspen All-Stars lost again to the German team, but well done to the Germans.

Posted on Friday 7th June 2019

Manufacturing Metrology Team

Room B38 Advanced Manufacturing Building
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB