Amrozia presents at the conference
Richard Leach, Lewis Newton and Amrozia Shaheen attended the euspen/ASPE Advancing Precision in Additive Manufacturing conference in Nantes, France from 16-18 September 2019. Lewis presented an oral paper on “Comparison and validation of segmentation methods for feature-based characterisation of metal powder bed fusion surfaces”, Amrozia an oral on “Automated characterisation of multi-view fringe projection system for three-dimensional measurement of additively manufactured parts” and Richard an oral on “Multi-sensor measurement system for metal laser powder bed fusion inspection”. Amrozia won the best paper award! Richard co-chaired the conference and chaired a session. The conference was lively with good debates on how precision principles can help the commercialisation of AM technologies. The next in the series will be in Oak Ridge, USA in November 2020.
Room B38 Advanced Manufacturing Building Jubilee Campus Wollaton Road Nottingham, NG8 1BB