Team Christmas dinner at Richard's house.
Another great year for MMT. Several students finished their PhDs and some original members left for good jobs. The core fellowship project is nearly finished, and we are making significant progress in commercialising the principles of information-rich metrology. Other existing projects are proving fruitful and we have several industry-funded projects underway or in the pipeline. Just to give you some highlights; more details of all these points can be found on our website. We published 38 journal papers (3 in 2020 already) – about the same as 2018, 30 conference papers and delivered at least 37 oral presentations, including 11 keynotes/invited talks. Already for 2019 we have submitted 20 journal papers and 7 conference abstracts. The political goings-on in the UK have made life a little more difficult than usual, but we are still going strong.
Once again, as head of the group, I am delighted every day to go to work and have fun with such a talented bunch of researchers and look forward to an exciting 2020.
Room B38 Advanced Manufacturing Building Jubilee Campus Wollaton Road Nottingham, NG8 1BB