Manufacturing Metrology Team

Collaboration with Zygo steps up


Matthew and Rong vist Zygo

MMT has a long-term collaboration with ZYGO. Dr. Peter de Groot, Executive Director of R&D, is an Honorary Professor at Nottingham and we have joint students and projects in interferometric dimensional metrology. A keystone of the collaboration is “Topographical Fidelity,” an international effort to promote non-contact optical metrology for advanced manufacturing, using optical physics to deepen our understanding of the interaction of light with surface structures. As part of an EPSRC Impact Accelerator project, the MMT has developed prototype software based on theoretical modeling to calibrate and adjust interference microscopes for improved accuracy and confidence in real world applications. Richard Leach, Rong Su and Matthew Thomas visited ZYGO in Middlefield, USA for a week to install and test the software, discuss future collaborations and hold a well-attended mini-conference at ZYGO, featuring the latest research from the MMT and ZYGO.
Posted on Wednesday 15th January 2020

Manufacturing Metrology Team

Room B38 Advanced Manufacturing Building
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB