Manufacturing Metrology Team

Shah Karim awarded PhD


Shah completes his viva via Teams

Well done to Shah Karim for successfully defending his PhD viva and becoming the first MMT member to do his viva in the COVID way! His title was "Real-time metrology of micro-targets for high power laser systems operating at high repetition rates", so thanks to Martin Tolley at RAL and the EPSRC Ultraprecision CDT for funding. Also thanks to David Branson and Patrick Keogh (Bath) for acting as the examiners and of course Samanta Piano for co-supervising with Richard Leach. Shah will now transition to Taraz Metrology, so stays in the broader family.

Posted on Thursday 21st May 2020

Manufacturing Metrology Team

Room B38 Advanced Manufacturing Building
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB