Manufacturing Metrology Team

MMT researchers stop beer waste


Connected Everything project.

As a part of the Connected Everything project, University of Nottingham researchers have completed a feasibility study optimising the manufacturing processes for breweries.

Novel monitors developed for the project and cloud-based predictive analytics allowed researchers to predict the alcohol-by-volume percentage of products during fermentation. This was developed using off-the-shelf solutions, providing an accessible method for food and drink manufacturers to step into cloud-connected analytics. The application of sensors led to reduced instances of over-fermentation as well as removing the need to manually test fermenting product, reducing waste along the production line. 

In collaboration with Loughborough University, associate professor Nik Watson also developed non-invasive methods of monitoring cleaning of processing equipment for the food and drink sector.

More details of the research can be found on the Connected Everything site.

Posted on Monday 1st March 2021

Manufacturing Metrology Team

Room B38 Advanced Manufacturing Building
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB