Manufacturing Metrology Team

Sofia Catalucci and Amrozia Shaheen attended the 3rd 3D Metrology Conference 2018 (3DMC) in Hamburg, Germany from October 16-18, 2018

3DMC is dedicated to the application and development of 3D measurement technology for industrial, scientific and cultural purposes. The event included 30 presentations, 11 posters, 15 industrial exhibition stations and almost 100 delegates. The event also included a “Metrology Stadium”, where three different challenges based on precise and accurate metrology skills. Sofia Catalucci gave an oral presentation on the “Automated assessment of quality of part surface coverage in smart, optical form measurement systems”, in which a method to enable automated measurement systems was evaluated to identify regions where the scanning process needs to be repeated or has not been successful. Amrozia Shaheen had a poster on “Comparative study of cost effective laser and DLP projectors for fringe projection”, in which a comparison of commercially available projectors are made in terms of non-linear gamma performance and depth-of-focus.

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Manufacturing Metrology Team

Room B38 Advanced Manufacturing Building
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB