Manufacturing Metrology Team

6th Target Fabrication Workshop

Shah Karim attended the 6th Target Fabrication Workshop, held at the University of Greenwich, London from 8th to 11th May, 2017. Target Fabrication Workshop is a global gathering of manufacturers, development scientists and engineers in the field of laser targets for high energy interactions, and is considered as a platform for networking and collaborative opportunities among the international institutes. 60 delegates took part in the Workshop, from institutions such as Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory (UK), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (USA), University of Michigan (USA), University of Darmstadt (Germany), University of Nottingham (UK), Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan). The workshop was on various subjects relevant to the laser community and included: cryogenic targets, high repetition-rate targets, porous target materials, new techniques for the production of micro targets, target manipulation, target characterisation, target materials and target facilities.

One important aspect of this workshop was that several speakers addressed the topics of high-repetition rate targets needed for the future high power laser applications, including inertial confinement fusion (ICF). One such topic was the requirement to develop techniques of positioning and alignment of the targets inside the target chamber at high speed with high accuracy and repeatability. Shah Karim presented his recent research work to show how the modelling predicts the positional deviation of a laser target during the process of high repetition-rate laser target positioning and alignment due to the errors that arise from the high-accuracy microtargetry system (HAMS), a five-degree-of-freedom hybrid mechanism for accurate mounting and motion control of targets for the Astra-Gemini laser of Central Laser Facility (Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory). Shah received valuable feedback of his talk and engaged with interesting discussions with the fellow delegates about the challenges of high-repetition rate lasers.


Abstract: link 

Manufacturing Metrology Team

Room B38 Advanced Manufacturing Building
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB