Manufacturing Metrology Team

MMT hosted the 3rd dXCT conference

The 3rd Dimensional X-ray Computed Tomography conference was a resounding success. Held at the University of Nottingham from 2-3 July 2018, the conference was attended by around 80 academic and industrial XCT users and researchers and was proceeded by a popular day of tutorials. We are also proud to announce that Lars Korner won the best oral presentation prize and Adam Thompson the best poster (he got best oral last year too). Ifeanyi Echeta also presented a poster. The next in the series will be in University of Huddersfield in Summer 2019. 

dXCT 2018_1

dXCT 2018_2

dXCT 2018_3

dXCT 2018_4

dXCT 2018_5

dXCT 2018_6dXCT 2018_7

dXCT 2018_8

Manufacturing Metrology Team

Room B38 Advanced Manufacturing Building
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB