Manufacturing Metrology Team

Matthew Thomas attended the EOSAM 2018 conference in Delft

Matthew attended the 2018 European Optical Society Biennial Meeting (EOSAM) in Delft, the Netherlands from the 8th to 12th October. The latest results in optics and photonics research were presented and the event included over 350 presentations, and over 70 invited speeches. The meeting also included several topical meetings, tutorials, an industrial exhibition, a welcome reception, special sessions for EU projects and a session on Grand Challenges in Photonics.

Matthew gave an oral presentation on the Verification of a rigorous 2D model of rough surface scattering, including comparisons of the developed BEM model to single scatter models, to the Mie theory, and to measured scatter from a laser scatterometer, showing good agreement.

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Manufacturing Metrology Team

Room B38 Advanced Manufacturing Building
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB