Manufacturing Metrology Team

16th euspen International Conference - The University of Nottingham

The 16th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (euspen) was held in the East Midlands Conference Centre, University of Nottingham from 30th May to 3rd June 2016. It was one of the most successful conferences so far, with around 440 attendees, 300+ oral and poster papers and record numbers of people and corporations joining the society during the conference. The exhibition was packed and all the exhibitors expressed their appreciation of the way the conference was planned and executed. The Manufacturing Metrology Team worked hard as the conference organisers and were well represented with four papers, including a session keynote. We also won back the euspen football cup, wrestled from the Germans after four previous years of defeat.

Prof. Stuart Smith from UNCC stated: "Gives me hope for the future. I had a number of conversations with younger researchers who taught me new things, learned a lot from my learned colleagues, made plans for interesting research, picked up lots of condensed wisdom. Awesome experience, I will go back home with renewed vigour”.  

University of Nottingham exhibition stand
Prof. Richard Leach at the networking dinner in Colwick Hall
Nicola Senin delivers the opening session keynote
Manufacturing Metrology Team students pose for the “euspen boyband” photo
The International Allstars beat the German team 5-1
Pre–conference BBQ at Prof. Leach’s house

Manufacturing Metrology Team

Room B38 Advanced Manufacturing Building
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB