Manufacturing Metrology Team

Luke Todhunter and Richard Leach attended the ISO 213 WG 16 meetings in BSI London

Luke Todhunter and Richard Leach attended the ISO 213 WG 16 meetings in BSI London from 6-7 Feb 2018. The group are currently working on harmonising the profile and areal texture standards into one framework and on instrument calibration. Richard, Peter de Groot and Han Haitjema put forward and idea to shorten the time to publication for the calibration standard by removing much of the superfluous (their opinion) detail. This was well received and will be further considered. The next meeting will be in Poznan, Poland in September 2018.

ISO213 WG16 London_1

ISO213 WG16 London_2

ISO213 WG16 London_3

ISO213 WG16 London_4

Manufacturing Metrology Team

Room B38 Advanced Manufacturing Building
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB