Manufacturing Metrology Team

MMT attends and exhibits at the first MAPP Conference

Matthew Hutchinson, Richard Leach, Nicola Senin, Danny Sims-Waterhouse, Petros Stavroulakis, Adam Thompson and Taufiq Widjanarko attended the 1st International Conference of the Manufacturing using Powder Processes (MAPP) EPSRC Hub in Sheffield, UK from 30th to 31st January 2018. The conference had several talks on the themes of the Hub: 1. In-situ process and performance characterisation, 2. Advanced characterisation And 3. Modelling, optimisation and control. This was the first time that MMT exhibited the CAGE fringe projection system and our photogrammetry technology. Nicola presented an oral paper entitled “Towards a quantitative understanding of surface topography in additive manufacturing” which outlined information-rich metrology, feature based surface characterisation and extraction of surface data from X-ray CT. Adam Clare from Nottingham also attended and presented a paper on “Finding and fixing defects in metal powder bed processes”, focusing on work on spatially resolved acoustic spectroscopy and featuring MMT’s in-process research.

MAPP 2018_1

MAPP 2018_3

MAPP 2018_4

MAPP 2018_5

MAPP 2018_6

MAPP 2018_7

MAPP 2018_2

Manufacturing Metrology Team

Room B38 Advanced Manufacturing Building
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB