Manufacturing Metrology Team

PAM^2 midterm review

Richard Leach, Amrozia Shaheen, Subbareddy Darukumalli and Siwen Chen attended the midterm review meeting of the Precision Additive Metal Manufacturing H2020 project on 5th October 2019. Both Siwen and Amrozia presented their work. The EU officer commented that she was highly impressed with the progress of the project, which has made advances in all areas of precision engineering for AM, including design, modelling, simulation, finishing, and both post and in-process metrology. The meeting was held at the impressive and popular LEGO HQ in Billund, Denmark, and included a tour of the facilities.

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Manufacturing Metrology Team

Room B38 Advanced Manufacturing Building
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB