Manufacturing Metrology Team

Amrozia Shaheen, Siwen Chen and Darukumalli Subbareddy attended the 5th PAM^2 workshop held at KIT Karlsruhe, Germany

Amrozia Shaheen, Siwen Chen and Darukumalli Subbareddy as Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellows in the Precision Additive Metal Manufacturing project (PAM^2), attended a workshop on ‘Post-processing for additive metal manufacturing’ organized by KIT  from 12-16 November 2018. PAM^2 is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) funded by the European Union under Horizon 2020 Programme. PAM^2 collaborates with industry and academia to address quality assurance and aims to implement good precision engineering practice. 

The early stage researchers (ESRs) acquired a better understanding of the laser post-processing techniques (laser ablation, drilling and laser polishing) in additive manufacturing (AM) by attending lectures delivered by experts in this area from KIT. All ESRs visited the labs in the institute of Applied Materials-Applied Materials Physics (IAM-AWP) and Institute of Automation and Applied Informatics (IAI), also attended the FormNext event in Frankfurt to get to know the recent advancements in the field of AM. The ESRs continued the third episode of the YouTube movies based on process-monitoring and post-processing in AM. The last day was dedicated to a session on ‘Intercultural competencies’ as part of complementary skills.

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Manufacturing Metrology Team

Room B38 Advanced Manufacturing Building
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB