Manufacturing Metrology Team

Petros and Danny visit Tianjin

Petros Stavroulakis and Danny Sims-Waterhouse have just completed a two week research exchange at Tianjin University in  China where they  worked on helping researchers Linlin Zhu and Ning Yan at Fengzhou Fang's research group on setting up a deflectometry and fringe projection system. They also performed a visit to Hebei University of Technology where they presented the research conducted at the MMT group to the Z.H.Zhang group.

Petros and Danny visit Tianjin_1

Petros and Danny visit Tianjin_2

Petros and Danny visit Tianjin_3

Manufacturing Metrology Team

Room B38 Advanced Manufacturing Building
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB