Manufacturing Metrology Team

Presentations in euspen's special interest group meeting: quality control for additive manufacturing

23-24 January 2017

MTC (Manufacturing Technology Centre), Ansty Park, Coventry, UK

Download the presentations below.

A fresh approach to surface metrology for additive manufacture (University of Nottingham)

A non-contact, information-rich, fast strategy for complex form measurement (University of Nottingham)

A Renishaw solution approach to AM part quality (Renishaw PLC)

Additive manufacturing – standards (BSI)

Approaches for AM in-process inspection using SRAS and OCT (University of Nottingham)

Characterization of laser powder bed fusion processes via in-process and post-process measurements (University of North Carolina at Charlotte)

Current challenges for AM volume production (HiETA)

Dimensional metrology & NDT for additive manufacturing (University of Padova)

Extracting surface topography data of AM parts from computer tomography systems (University of Huddersfield)

Feedback control of blown-powder additive deposition (University of Birmingham)

Geometric shape deformation control for additive manufacturing (University of Southern California)

High-speed imaging of the powder-bed and shield gas during metal PBF additive manufacture (Heriot-Watt University)

Measurement of angled EBM surfaces - part 1 (MTC)

Measurement of angled EBM surfaces - part 2 (University of Nottingham)

Non-destructive volumetric control of additive manufactured parts: alternatives methods to X-ray tomography (LNE)

Precision additive metal manufacturing (KU Leuven)

Prevention is better than cure - in-situ monitoring and machine learning (The University of Sheffield)

Process control for wire-arc additive manufacturing (University of Bath)

Simultaneous integrity & dimensional CT inspection (MTC)

Spatio-temporal detection of defects in SLM by using in-situ high-speed vision (Politecnico di Milano)

State-of-the-art in surface metrology for metal additive manufacturing (University of Nottingham)

Technology landscape for in-process NDT for AM (MTC)

The integration of a vision based in-process inspection system within the CassaMobile project (Loughborough University)

UK national strategy for additive manufacturing - development of UK strategy (University of Nottingham)


Manufacturing Metrology Team

Room B38 Advanced Manufacturing Building
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB