Manufacturing Metrology Team

MMT attended Ultra Precision Conference

Petros Stavroulakis, Patrick Bointon and Danny Sims-Waterhouse attended the Ultra Precision Conference 2017 held at Cranfield University on the 27th April 2017. The meeting was the largest since the conference started in 2015, with around 50 attendees. Petros gave a talk entitled: "High-precision form metrology meets artificial intelligence". Patrick and Danny (and Shah Karim although not present) presented posters of their work. The day concluded in a tour of the ultra-high precision laboratories that also house the euspen (European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology) headquarters. The attendees had a chance to discuss and debate with peers and observe the fascinating on-site facilities in which the mirror segments for the 40-metre-diameter European Extremely Large Telescope are ground and polished to sub-micrometre roughness.

Manufacturing Metrology Team

Room B38 Advanced Manufacturing Building
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB