Manufacturing Metrology Team

Verification for robotic fringe projection (ARTEFACT) 

Funding: EU iNET
Duration: March 2018 – March 2019
Team: Richard Leach, Xiaobing Feng
Industry partner: AddQual

The project looks to benchmark, develop and establish best practice for non-contact (blue light fringe projection) measurement of “complex” additively manufactured components or complex castings products used in the Transport Equipment Manufacturing (TEM) sector that feature multiple/many 3D features. The project will identify relevant artefacts and standards for complex TEM components and measure these components on various calibrated systems and AddQual’s non-contact system, in order to demonstrate the different system accuracies and repeatabilities.

The outputs will see the creation of a good practice user guide, benchmarks for “complex geometries”, creation of relevant artefacts and creation of processes for determining the maximum permissible error for a given measurement. The good practice guide and its contributing elements, will allow AddQual to offer a service that is not only robust and controlled, but one that is traceable, and can demonstrate the maximum error for a given measurement. This generic quality assurance is not currently available from any known non-contact measurement service provider and will significantly enhance AddQual’s commercial offering and reputation, and allow a comparable service to other contact measurement methods and their service providers.


Manufacturing Metrology Team

Room B38 Advanced Manufacturing Building
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB