Manufacturing Metrology Team

Development of an interferometric absolute multi-distance and multi-sensor measurement system for use in harsh accelerator environments

Duration: October 2019 – October 2022
Student: Mateusz Sosin
Supervisors: Richard Leach, Rong Su
Funding: CERN

Frequency scanning interferometry (FSI), based on interference beat frequency analysis allows for absolute distance measurements to multiple targets (Fig.1) and is less sensitive to reflected optical signal intensity variations. Detectability of the reflected light from a variety of surfaces (with high and low reflectance) inside the interferometer beat frequency spectrum makes possible the development of new family of robust sensors, as well as sensor networks, connected via single fibres. The measured distances can be dependent on different physical quantities (strain, temperature, radiation total ionizing dose, etc.), allowing for integration of a variety of sensors within a single interferometer channel.In the frame of the project, the impact of multi-reflection phenomena for different material surfaces, surface properties and intra-surface arrangement (Fig.2) on the FSI measured spectrum will be investigated. As an outcome of the research, a proposal for multi-reflection based sensors and sensor network configurations is expected. In addition, a FSI interferometer prototype, dedicated for multi-target and multi-sensor measurements will be developed.

interferometric absolute multi-distance and multi-sensor measurement_1
Figure 1 Multi distance measurement to several reflectors within laser beam


interferometric absolute multi-distance and multi-sensor measurement_2
Figure 2 Multi distance measurement to several surfaces


Manufacturing Metrology Team

Room B38 Advanced Manufacturing Building
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB