Manufacturing Metrology Team

Image of Mohammed Isa

Mohammed Isa

Research Fellow, Faculty of Engineering



Mohammed Isa is a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Nottingham. He obtained his bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey in 2013. He later obtained his doctorate degree from Koc University, Istanbul in 2018. During his PhD program, Isa studied the fabrication and measurement of freeform surfaces by introducing a flexible additive manufacturing process plan that improves surface quality. He then joined the Manufacturing and Metrology Team of the University of Nottingham as a research fellow where he studied uncertainty modeling and systematic error correction of photogrammetric systems.

Expertise Summary

Isa's research interest in coordinate and surface topography measurement includes interferometry, laser triangulation, photogrammetry and precision motion systems. His research in optical 3D coordinate metrology uses machine vision, multi-view geometry and intelligent error modeling to improve measurement uncertainty.

Research Summary

▪ AI-enhanced integrated surface metrology (AI-SURF)

▪ Frequency scanning interferometry measurement in a High Accuracy Robotic System for Object Manipulation (HARISOM)

▪ Vision-based 3D Measurement for HARISOM

Past Research

▪ Small-scale and Micro-scale multi-view photogrammetry for metrological applications

▪ Volumetric error modeling and correction of optical 3D coordinate measurement system

▪ Optical 3D measurement of additively manufactured parts

▪ Multi-axis additive manufacturing of overhang structures using 5-axis AM system

▪ 5-axis additive manufacturing process and path planning for fabrication of freeform models

▪ Standard uncertainty evaluation (GUM, VIM) and optimization of a wide-view laser triangulation system

Manufacturing Metrology Team

Room B38 Advanced Manufacturing Building
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB