Advanced Materials Research Group

Image of Zakhar Kudrynskyi

Zakhar Kudrynskyi

Nottingham Research Anne Mclaren Fellows, Faculty of Engineering



02/10/2023-present: Nottingham Research Fellow, Department of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom

01/09/2020-30/09/2023: Research Fellow, Advanced Materials Research Group, Faculty of Engineering, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom

09/01/2015-31/08/2020: Research Fellow, Semiconductor Quantum Nanostructures Group, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom

11/2013-12/2014: Research Scientist, Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science (Layered Crystals Department), Chernivtsi Branch, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Chernivtsi, Ukraine

10/2010-09/2014: PhD in Physics of Semiconductors and Dielectrics, Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science (Layered Crystals Department), Chernivtsi Branch, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Chernivtsi, Ukraine (awarded 23/09/2014)

09/2009-06/2010: M.Sc. in Computer Science, first class with honours, Faculty of Computer Science, Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine (awarded 30/06/2010)

09/2005-06/2009: B.Sc. in Computer Science, first class with honours, Faculty of Computer Science, Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine (awarded 30/06/2009)

Research Summary

I am a Nottingham Research Fellow at the University of Nottingham, Faculty of Engineering. My current research is focused on the development of a new and versatile, purely inorganic materials base… read more

Selected Publications

Current Research

I am a Nottingham Research Fellow at the University of Nottingham, Faculty of Engineering. My current research is focused on the development of a new and versatile, purely inorganic materials base for high-performance electrical insulation, to deliver a step change in next-generation electrification technologies. Working with the aerospace and automotive sectors, my fellowship will contribute to the technological push to create high-power density motors, actuators and generators. For more information about my research, please visit his profiles on Google Scholar, ORCID and Publons.

Advanced Materials Research Group

Faculty of Engineering
The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD