Architecture, Culture and Tectonics Research Group


XINLENG, G., HALE, J. and WANG, Q., 2019. Novelistic essay: On the form of Wang Shu's PhD thesis, 'Fictionalising Cities': arq: Architectural Research Quarterly arq: Architectural Research Quarterly.

HALE, J., 2019. Body Schema. In: MILDENBURG, A., ed., Understanding Merleau-Ponty, Understanding Modernism New York NY: Bloomsbury Academic. 295-296

KATHARINA BORSI and ANNA SHAPIRO, 2019. Type, New Urban Domesticities And Urban Areas Wolkenkucksheim: Internationale Zeitschrift zur Theorie der Architektur. 24(38), 149–166

WANG, Q., RIVERA, M., WHEELER, P. and RIVEROS, J.A., 2019. Modulated Model Predictive Current Control for a PMSM Operating with a Three-level NPC Inverter In: SPEC 2019 - 15th Brazilian Power Electronics Conference and 5th IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference.

FENG LIU, KAICHENG WANG, YUE TANG and HESHENG ZHAO, 2019. A study of Renewal Strategies for Old Industrial Building Skin based on Transparency Industrial Construction. 49(04), 69-75

KAICHENG WANG, FENG LIU and YUE TANG, 2019. Analysis of the Spatial Characteristics of Stanley Resso Residence Housing Science. 39(3), 42-47

FENG LIU, ZHENYU HU, YUE TANG and JIANGTAO XIE, 2019. Study on Natural Visibility Measurement of Public Space in Primary and Secondary Schools Science Technology and Engineering. 19(33), 1902970

FENG LIU, YE ZHAO, RENFENG GUO and YUE TANG, 2019. The Reform of Architectural Teaching Course Based on Design Research: “设计研究”在建筑学二年级课程设计中的探索与实践 Huazhong Architecture: 华中建筑. 39(05), 114-119

PORTER, NICOLE, 2019. Does space matter? Conceptualising the relationship between mindfulness based interventions and the physical environment In: International Conference of Mindfulness (ICM) Asia Pacific, Auckland New Zealand.

PORTER, NICOLE, 2019. Mindful architecture students: a pilot study investigating the effects of MBSR on architecture student well-being: (poster presentation) In: International Conference of Mindfulness (ICM) Asia Pacific, Auckland New Zealand.

PORTER, NICOLE, IVES, CHRIS and FOULGER, WILL, 2019. The city alive: Conceptualising the new Trinity Church (Nottingham, UK) as an urban monastery In: European Academy of Religions Annual Conference (EuARE) Bologna, Italy.

MULCAHY, MARAGRET and PORTER, NICOLE, 2019. Teaching a taste for architecture: introducing architectural design through the analogy of food production In: Field Conditions - All Ireland Architecture Research Group (AIARG) conference, Dublin.

PORTER, NICOLE, 2019. Mindful Places: the psychology and design of healing environments and biophilia: (Public lecture) In: Victoria University, Wellington New Zealand.

NICOLE PORTER and MARTIN THOMAS, 2019. How do we define social well being? (oral presentation) In: Thriving in Higher Education: What works? 3rd joint staff well being conference, University of Nottingham.
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Architecture, Culture and Tectonics

The University of Nottingham
Faculty of Engineering
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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