- Biomechanics Laboratory
- Human Tissues Authority licenced storage facility
- Zeiss Z.1 Light Sheet Microscope
- 225kVp µCT (5µm resolution)
- Crash Track (100g, 15 ms-1)
- Drop towers (3m and 2m)
- Mechanical testing facilities for human and biological tissues
- Micro Materials nano-indentor
- KSI acoustic microscope (20 MHz – 1 GHz)
- Clinical ultrasound and fluoroscopic imaging
See our crash track in use in the biomechanics laboratory. It has the potential to decelerate a payload of up to 100kg at up to 100g from up to 15m/s. It is possible to programme different pulse shapes.
This video, made by Brady Haran for Easter, features many of our facilities including the Instron materials tester, a Charpy impact tester, 2m drop tower and crash track. More information is available about the experiment on Brady Haran's blog.