Bridging the Gaps: Systems-level approaches to antimicrobial resistance
Bridging the Gaps was a programme of activities focused on antimicrobial resistance intended to facilitate multidisciplinary research within The University of Nottingham.
Bridging the Gaps closed in 2017. It was a programme of funding and activities aimed at furthering the understanding of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in real world interactions.
AMR occurs when microbes develop defences against the drugs which are designed to kill or reduce them.
Bridging the Gaps was funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).

About us
Bridging the Gaps aimed to:
- Further the understanding of AMR and address some of the urgent problems it raises.
- Generate staff mobility to generate new cross-disciplinary research collaborations.
- Ensure impact on end-users by linking with clinicians and industry.
- Enhance the University of Nottingham's position as an international centre of excellence in the systems-level understanding of biological systems.