CADRECentre for Ancient Drama and its Reception

Directory of research expertise by CADRE member

CADRE members come from a wide range of disciplines within the arts and from countries around the world.

Alan Sommerstein
 (Emeritus Professor, Department of Classics, Nottingham)

My main speciality is ancient Greek drama, both tragedy and comedy; I have worked on all the major dramatists and many minor ones, and produced (alone or in collaboration) complete editions of 19 fully (or almost fully) preserved and 13 fragmentary plays. I have also led a major team research project on the oath in archaic and classical Greece, which produced a database of all references to oaths in Greek literary and inscriptional texts down to 322 BC, followed by a two-volume study of the subject. I am now editing an encyclopedia of Greek comedy, and preparing an edition of Aeschylus' tragedy The Suppliants.


Betine Van Zyl Smit (Department of Classics, Nottingham)



Lynn Fotheringham (Department of Classics, Nottingham)



Judith Mossman (Department of Classics, Nottingham)



Richard Rawles (Department of Classics, Nottingham)



Oliver Thomas (Department of Classics, Nottingham)



Andreas Antonopoulos (Department of Philology, University of Patras)



Heike Bartel (Department of German Studies, Nottingham)



Emiliano Buis (Department of Classics, University of Buenos Aires)

At present I am an Assistant Professor in Greek at the University of Buenos Aires, a researcher at the National Council for Science and Technology (CONICET) in Greek Philology and I am currently supervising a research project on normativity in classical Athens in Argentina. Since I have always worked on an interdisciplinary perspective, I also hold a tenured position at the Law School as professor. Last year I was granted a fellowship at the Harvard Centre for Hellenic Studied in Washington DC and this year I was offered an Alexander Onassis Fellowship to conduct some postdoctoral research in Athens.


David Carter (Department of Classics, University of Reading)



Judith Fletcher (Department of History, Wilfrid Laurier University)

Judith Fletcher is a Professor in the Department of History at Wilfrid Laurier University (Waterloo, Ontario) where she teaches courses on Ancient Greek language, culture and society. Her research on Greek Drama is concerned with the intersections of gender, law and religion in the context of the Athenian democracy. Three grants from the Social Science and Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) have provided financial support for these projects, including a book in process entitled Engendering Law in Ancient Greek Drama. She is also Associate Editor for Greek Literature for the journal Phoenix. In addition to her work on Greek Drama, she also publishes on Epic Poetry, and the Classical Reception, specifically myths of the Underworld in contemporary culture.


Laura Gianvittorio (Department of Classics, University of Vienna)

Research interests include: architectural theory and criticism; the philosophy of technology; the relationship between architecture and the body; and architectural exhibitions. He has published books, chapters in books, refereed articles and conference papers in these areas and has obtained grants from the Leverhulme Trust, the British Academy, the Arts Council and local industry. He also acts as research coordinator for the School’s Architectural History and Theory Group (AHTG). Current research projects include: "Anywhere", "Future Garden" and “Moving City – The Electronic Guidebook”, that takes these research themes out into the city via a mobile exhibition using digital technology.  

Richard Hornsey (History)

I am a cultural historian of urban modernity, with a particular interest in twentieth-century London. My monograph "The Spiv and the Architect: Unruly Life in Post-war London" (2010) examined the drive to reorder urban everyday life after the end of the Second World War and the impact this had on the behaviour and subjectivities of the city's queer men. I am now exploring various attempts made in interwar London to choreograph people's movements and patterns of attention - in effect, to bureaucratise how people engaged with and responded to the built environment. I am also interested in the history of urban mappings and the scripts they contained for encountering the city.

Dr Steven Legg (Geography)

Stephen Legg is a lecturer in cultural and historical geography. His research focuses on colonial India, taking 20th century Delhi as the main case study. This has been explicated in his recent book Spaces of Colonialism: Delhi's Urban Governmentalities (2007, Blackwell), which examined the residential, policing, and infrastructural environments of the new capital. His current work examines the regulation of prostitution in an international context, placing local debates in the context of recommendations from the League of Nations and other humanitarian groups. He also has a longstanding interest in Indian anti-colonial nationalism. 

Professor Helen Meller (History)

British and European urban history with an emphasis on cultural issues such as leisure and gender; on planning history and the introduction of planning ideas in European cities in the early twentieth century; and on the history of green open spaces in cities from the mid nineteenth to the end of the twentieth century. Current research focuses on the history of green open spaces in European cities.  

Dr Julia Merritt (History)

The social, religious and cultural history of early modern England, with particular reference to the history of London. Recent research explores themes ranging from the impact of the Reformation and the early development of the West End to the social history of the royal court, the competing use of space by different social groups, and the impact of plague and poverty. Current research is focused on two main areas: firstly, the relationship between religion and urban society--with regard to space, time and people; secondly, the social, cultural and spatial developments in the metropolis during the seventeenth century, especially the socio-economic impact of the gentry and aristocracy.  

Joe Merton (History)

My doctoral research addressed the emergence of a new 'white ethnic' identity politics in the United States during the 1960s and 1970s. It seeks to explain the emergence of a new and distinct political identity - the 'white ethnic' - for the mainly working class, third-generation descendants of European immigrants, and the reasons for its adoption by a range of actors and institutions from across the political spectrum. Yet this 'white ethnic moment' ultimately collapsed, imploding as a coherent political force by the 1980s. Thus my research sheds light not only on the strength of ethnic group mobilisation in an era of political division and uncertainty, but also explains how such mobilisation can also fail to establish a durable presence on the American political stage.

Dr Nicole Porter (Architecture and Built Environment)

Dr Porter's interests, qualifications and experience span a range of built environment disciplines including landscape architecture, urban design and architecture. Following training at the University of Melbourne (PhD, M.Arch, Grad Cert L.Arch, BPD) Nicole taught landscape theory within the landscape program at Melbourne. In 2008 Nicole was appointed as lecturer in Landscape Architecture at the University of Canberra, where she taught a number of design studios, with projects ranging from individual residential gardens through to urban interventions / installations, critical urban design scenarios and the design and management of National Park landscapes.

Her current role at the University of Nottingham includes undergraduate architecture studio teaching and research with a strong landscape and place making focus. Nicole has practiced as an urban designer with the Australian Capital Territory, Canberra, where she engaged in master planning work and strategic policy research. Nicole led the production of the PIA award winning Molonglo Valley Place making guide (2010). She is a Registered Landscape Architect with the AILA


Dr Claire Taylor (History)

Southern French urban development c.1000 to c.1250, esp. in the northern Languedoc, specifically the development of established towns as commercial centres, the founding of new towns, tensions between clerics and urban elites, familial and confessional identity in castra and commercial towns, urban nobility, town fortifications, and the impact of the Albigensian Crusade and Inquisition on urban life. Other interests include early- and high-medieval Gascony and Aquitaine, in particular political development and religious heresy and social dissidence in these regions.

Dr Neil Sinclair (Philosophy)

My primary research interests are in the philosophical understanding of moral talk, thought, discourse and action. I am particularly interested in the way in which moral discourse can be used to express attitudes for the purposes of interpersonal co-ordination and with what this tells as about the nature of moral disagreement, truth and argument. I also have interests in the areas of environmental ethics and bioethics.

Dr Sue C. Townsend (History)

Arising from my study of the ‘overcoming modernity’ debates of the 1920s, my research interests have turned to Japanese urban and environmental history in the twentieth century. In particular I am working on a proposal for a project entitled Competing Visions of Urban Living: A comparative study of Birmingham, England and Nagoya, Japan from 1920 to the present day . The project will be collaborative and interdisciplinary, drawing on historical, philosophical and geographical perspectives in order to build bridges between Japanese and British understandings about the contested spaces occupied by man, technology and nature within the urban environment. My other research interests include: Japanese intellectual history of the 1920s and 30s and the importance of personality psychology in interpreting autobiographical writing 

Professor Maiken Umbach (History)

I am a cultural historian with a particular interest in the role of the built environment in urban and civic identity politics in modern Europe. My monograph "German Cities and Bourgeois Modernism" (OUP, 2009) explored the city -- from grand urban planning interventions to the microcosm of the bourgeois music chamber -- as a site where a distinct new form of liberal politics took shape. It also deals with major organisations for the reform of urbanism, such as the German Werkbund. Related publications, such as my book "Vernacular Modernism: Heimat, Globalisation and the Built Environment" (SUP 2005) focus on the built environment as a strategy whereby a 'sense of place' was written into the project of modernism (often to counter class-based political formations) in various sites in Europe and North America in the 20th century.

As part of a broader interest in the politics of regionalism, I have also written comparatively on the idea and physical shape of 'second cities' in Europe, with a particular emphasis on Spain (esp Barcelona) and Germany (esp Hamburg, Munich, Hagen).

My current work explores spatial imaginaries in National Socialist Germany and Francoist Spain. While not confined to the city (my co-author and I also explore experiential practices such as car driving, and modes of spatial representation such as amateur photography), the discourse about and the physical transformation of cities under both regimes remain central to our analysis of how the sense of place was reconfigured and politically mobilized under these dictatorships


Konstantinos Vlassopoulos (Classics)

My work focuses on the nature of urban communities, primarily in classical Athens. Given the complexity and diversity of the urban conglomeration of a cosmopolitan commercial, cultural and political centre like Athens, I examine the diverse networks and communities created by people of various legal, economic and social statuses (citizens, women, metics, slaves). My interest lies in particular in how urban space and the possibilities for social interaction it created allowed the emergence of a variety of communities that cut across the distinction of legal status, which were important for other aspects of political and social interaction in classical Athens.

Professor Richard Wrigley (History of Art)

I have worked on aspects of French art and history in the 18th and 19th centuries, focusing on writing on art in Paris (criticism, shop signs). I am currently developing a project on the origins of the flaneur, reconsidering the phenomenon of the pedestrian spectator and its political implications, and also tracing its exportation/assimilation abroad. I recently completed a study of attitudes to and representations of Rome('Roman Fever'), which rethinks the Eternal city as a place of filth, infection, and crisis.

Centre for Ancient Drama and its Reception

Department of Classics and Archaeology
University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 951 4800
fax: +44 (0)115 951 4811
email: Naomi Scott, CADRE Director