CBS Researchers Forum

Image of Abhik Mukherjee

Abhik Mukherjee

Clinical Associate Professor Histopathology, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences



Dr Mukherjee studied Medicine and trained in Radiation Oncology at Calcutta University; and thereafter completed an MSc and PhD in Oncology from the University of Nottingham. He subsequently trained in Histopathology at Leicester and Nottingham, where he was an NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow and Lecturer. After attaining his FRCPath (Histopathology) by exam in 2015, he is currently a Clinical Associate Professor (Honorary Consultant) at Nottingham University and Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust.

His research interests are molecular characterisation of lympho-vascular invasion in cancers, low grade breast cancer biology and biomarkers in inflammatory bowel disease. He has held project grants from Cancer Research UK, Academy of Medical Sciences and the Pathological Society and has had the privilege of working on prestigious collaborative projects [METABRIC: Molecular Taxonomy of the Breast Cancer International Consortium], clinical trials [NEOTANGO, SCOTROC/TRANSCOTROC] and industry led computational pathology initiatives [Optimata, Israel and Barco, Belgium].

He is currently co-leading the development of the MSc in Molecular Pathology for the Nottingham Molecular Pathology Node (Work Stream 9) and also sits on the NCRI-CMPath Clinical Trials Pathology Advisory Group (CT-PAG) and educational subcommittee of the Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland.

He holds several peer-reviewed publications and has presented his research at National and International Conferences with several bursaries/awards from the British Association of Cancer Research, British MicroCirculation Society and the Cancer Research UK.

Expertise Summary

Dr Mukherjee's current interests are in colorectal and breast cancer pathology and biomarkers/molecular signatures of metastases and response to therapy. He has extensive experience of breast, ovarian and colorectal cancer research. This includes molecular/immunological markers of prognosis and prediction of response to therapeutic agents. He has also a strong background in researching the mechanism of action of novel drugs (including anti-angiogenic agents) and validation of drug targets used in cancer therapy. He is also interested in inflammatory bowel diseases especially novel molecular techniques aiding pathological diagnosis.

Centre for Biomolecular Sciences

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NR7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 846 8001