CBS Researchers Forum
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact
Camara, Miguel0115 9515036Professor of Molecular Microbiology and Co-Director of the National Biofilm Innovations CentreEnvelope Icon
Chan, Weng0115 9515080Professor of Chemical BiologyEnvelope Icon
Denning, Chris0115 823 1236Director of the University of Nottingham Biodiscovery InstituteEnvelope Icon
Emsley, Jonas0115 8467092Professor of Macromolecular CrystallographyEnvelope Icon
Kellam, Barrie0115 9513026Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, Head of SchoolEnvelope Icon
Laughton, Charles0115 9513405Professor of Computational Pharmaceutical ScienceEnvelope Icon
Minton, Nigel0115 84 67458Director, BBSRC/EPSRC Synthetic Biology Research Centre (SBRC)Envelope Icon
Soultanas, Panos0115 9513567Professor of Biological ChemistryEnvelope Icon
Stevens, Malcolm0115 9513414Emeritus ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Stocks, Michael0115 84 66863Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and Drug DiscoveryEnvelope Icon
Thomas, Neil R.0115 951 3565Professor of Medicinal and Biological ChemistryEnvelope Icon
Williams, Paul0115 9515047Professor of Molecular MicrobiologyEnvelope Icon
Associate Professors
Anand-Ivell, Ravinder0115 951 6298Director of Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Research, & Associate Professor in Endocrinology and Reproductive PhysiologyEnvelope Icon
Atkinson, Steve0115 8467954Associate Professor of Molecular and Cellular BacteriologyEnvelope Icon
Bradshaw, Tracey0115 9515033Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Buttery, Lee0115 8467857Associate Professor in Cell Biology/Tissue EngineeringEnvelope Icon
Dekker, Lodewijk0115 8466327Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Dixon, James0115 7486313Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Gershkovich, Pavel0115 8468014Associate Professor of BiopharmaceuticsEnvelope Icon
Merry, Cathy07880828138Professor of Stem Cell GlycobiologyEnvelope Icon
Mukherjee, Abhik01159249924Clinical Associate Professor HistopathologyEnvelope Icon
Robinson, Karen0115 823 1094Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Rose, Felicity0115 8467856Professor of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, Director of Research and Knowledge ExchangeEnvelope Icon
Turner, David0115 82 30753Associate Professor and Honorary Consultant MicrobiologistEnvelope Icon
Winzer, Klaus0115 8232247Associate Professor; PGT Senior TutorEnvelope Icon
Wooldridge, Karl0115 82 30743Associate Professor and Course Director for MSc Clinical MicrobiologyEnvelope Icon
Bosquillon, Cynthia0115 8466078Assistant Professor in Drug DeliveryEnvelope Icon
Dreveny, Ingrid0115 8468015Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Heeb, Stephan0115 95 13042Assistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Mistry, Shailesh0115 8467983Associate Professor of Medicinal Chemistry. Course Director (MSc Drug Discovery & Pharmaceutical Sciences)Envelope Icon
Penfold, Christopher0115 8467957Lecturer and Course Director for MSc in Molecular Medical MicrobiologyEnvelope Icon
White, Lisa0115 82 30748Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Other Academic
Cupitt, Louise13436Health and Safety Advisor (Biological Safety Advisor)Envelope Icon
Hannan, Nicholasn/aAssociate Professor of Translational Stem Cell BiologyEnvelope Icon
Hill, Iann/aFaculty Liaison Senior AdministratorEnvelope Icon
Karvonis, Evangelosn/aLaboratory TechnicianEnvelope Icon
Morris, Natashan/aTechnical Services Support AssistantEnvelope Icon
Randall, Tullia0115 8468001ReceptionistEnvelope Icon
White, Carole0115 951 3416Support Services ManagerEnvelope Icon
Zhang, Ying0115 7486119Assistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Emeritus Professors
James, Richardn/aEmeritus Professor of MicrobiologyEnvelope Icon
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact
Aksoy, Cemilen/aPhD StudentEnvelope Icon
Cuevas Ocana, Sara0115 82(31233)Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Dubern, Jean0115 (0)82 32027Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Eltaher, Hodan/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Jones, Joshn/aPhD StudentEnvelope Icon
Li, Chan0115 8232014Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Luckett, Jeni0115 74 86734Senior Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Meletiou, Athina0115 74 85222Rke Business AnalystEnvelope Icon
Murray, Ewan01159515089Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Oldfield, Neil0115 74 86122Assistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Owen, Robert0115 748 6436Nottingham Research Fellow FellowshipEnvelope Icon
Paul-Odeniran, Folu01158468009The Royal Society - Newton International FellowEnvelope Icon
Thornton, Luken/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Whitehead, Charlien/aPostgraduate Research StudentEnvelope Icon
Williams, Huw0115 82 32526Senior Research Fellow and NMR Facility ManagerEnvelope Icon
Wright, Victoria0115 82 30665Senior Experimental OfficerEnvelope Icon
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact
Administrative Staff
Burbidge, Alan0115 74 84094Centre Manager - Synthetic Biology Research CentreEnvelope Icon
Furniss, Darrenn/aOperational Procurement PartnerEnvelope Icon
Winfield, Carl0115 951 3403Building and Operations ManagerEnvelope Icon
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact
Technical Staff
Barbadillo-Munoz, Maria0115 8230693Technical Services ManagerEnvelope Icon
Bispham, Jayson07866 885985Operational Procurement PartnerEnvelope Icon
Cornock, Ruth0115 82 32010Research TechnicianEnvelope Icon
Hibbett, Leen/aTechnician ManagerEnvelope Icon
Kelly, Michelle01158467959Research TechnicianEnvelope Icon
Lingaya, Melanie0115 924 9924 ext 64429Sample TechnicianEnvelope Icon
Markus, Robert1158232021Senior TechnicianEnvelope Icon
Marshall, Teresa07866893257Technical Manager RMCTEnvelope Icon
Olsen, Paula0115 74 85226Lab ManagerEnvelope Icon
Withers, Ian0115 8466069Technical SpecialistEnvelope Icon
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact


Aksoy, Cemilen/aPhD StudentEnvelope Icon
Anand-Ivell, Ravinder0115 951 6298Director of Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Research, & Associate Professor in Endocrinology and Reproductive PhysiologyEnvelope Icon
Atkinson, Steve0115 8467954Associate Professor of Molecular and Cellular BacteriologyEnvelope Icon


Barbadillo-Munoz, Maria0115 8230693Technical Services ManagerEnvelope Icon
Bispham, Jayson07866 885985Operational Procurement PartnerEnvelope Icon
Bosquillon, Cynthia0115 8466078Assistant Professor in Drug DeliveryEnvelope Icon
Bradshaw, Tracey0115 9515033Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Burbidge, Alan0115 74 84094Centre Manager - Synthetic Biology Research CentreEnvelope Icon
Buttery, Lee0115 8467857Associate Professor in Cell Biology/Tissue EngineeringEnvelope Icon


Camara, Miguel0115 9515036Professor of Molecular Microbiology and Co-Director of the National Biofilm Innovations CentreEnvelope Icon
Chan, Weng0115 9515080Professor of Chemical BiologyEnvelope Icon
Cornock, Ruth0115 82 32010Research TechnicianEnvelope Icon
Cuevas Ocana, Sara0115 82(31233)Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Cupitt, Louise13436Health and Safety Advisor (Biological Safety Advisor)Envelope Icon


Dekker, Lodewijk0115 8466327Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Denning, Chris0115 823 1236Director of the University of Nottingham Biodiscovery InstituteEnvelope Icon
Dixon, James0115 7486313Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Dreveny, Ingrid0115 8468015Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Dubern, Jean0115 (0)82 32027Research FellowEnvelope Icon


Eltaher, Hodan/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Emsley, Jonas0115 8467092Professor of Macromolecular CrystallographyEnvelope Icon


Furniss, Darrenn/aOperational Procurement PartnerEnvelope Icon


Gershkovich, Pavel0115 8468014Associate Professor of BiopharmaceuticsEnvelope Icon


Hannan, Nicholasn/aAssociate Professor of Translational Stem Cell BiologyEnvelope Icon
Heeb, Stephan0115 95 13042Assistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Hibbett, Leen/aTechnician ManagerEnvelope Icon
Hill, Iann/aFaculty Liaison Senior AdministratorEnvelope Icon


James, Richardn/aEmeritus Professor of MicrobiologyEnvelope Icon
Jones, Joshn/aPhD StudentEnvelope Icon


Karvonis, Evangelosn/aLaboratory TechnicianEnvelope Icon
Kellam, Barrie0115 9513026Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, Head of SchoolEnvelope Icon
Kelly, Michelle01158467959Research TechnicianEnvelope Icon


Laughton, Charles0115 9513405Professor of Computational Pharmaceutical ScienceEnvelope Icon
Li, Chan0115 8232014Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Lingaya, Melanie0115 924 9924 ext 64429Sample TechnicianEnvelope Icon
Luckett, Jeni0115 74 86734Senior Research FellowEnvelope Icon


Markus, Robert1158232021Senior TechnicianEnvelope Icon
Marshall, Teresa07866893257Technical Manager RMCTEnvelope Icon
Meletiou, Athina0115 74 85222Rke Business AnalystEnvelope Icon
Merry, Cathy07880828138Professor of Stem Cell GlycobiologyEnvelope Icon
Minton, Nigel0115 84 67458Director, BBSRC/EPSRC Synthetic Biology Research Centre (SBRC)Envelope Icon
Mistry, Shailesh0115 8467983Associate Professor of Medicinal Chemistry. Course Director (MSc Drug Discovery & Pharmaceutical Sciences)Envelope Icon
Morris, Natashan/aTechnical Services Support AssistantEnvelope Icon
Mukherjee, Abhik01159249924Clinical Associate Professor HistopathologyEnvelope Icon
Murray, Ewan01159515089Research FellowEnvelope Icon


Oldfield, Neil0115 74 86122Assistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Olsen, Paula0115 74 85226Lab ManagerEnvelope Icon
Owen, Robert0115 748 6436Nottingham Research Fellow FellowshipEnvelope Icon


Paul-Odeniran, Folu01158468009The Royal Society - Newton International FellowEnvelope Icon
Penfold, Christopher0115 8467957Lecturer and Course Director for MSc in Molecular Medical MicrobiologyEnvelope Icon


Randall, Tullia0115 8468001ReceptionistEnvelope Icon
Robinson, Karen0115 823 1094Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Rose, Felicity0115 8467856Professor of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, Director of Research and Knowledge ExchangeEnvelope Icon


Soultanas, Panos0115 9513567Professor of Biological ChemistryEnvelope Icon
Stevens, Malcolm0115 9513414Emeritus ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Stocks, Michael0115 84 66863Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and Drug DiscoveryEnvelope Icon


Thomas, Neil R.0115 951 3565Professor of Medicinal and Biological ChemistryEnvelope Icon
Thornton, Luken/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Turner, David0115 82 30753Associate Professor and Honorary Consultant MicrobiologistEnvelope Icon


White, Carole0115 951 3416Support Services ManagerEnvelope Icon
Whitehead, Charlien/aPostgraduate Research StudentEnvelope Icon
White, Lisa0115 82 30748Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Williams, Huw0115 82 32526Senior Research Fellow and NMR Facility ManagerEnvelope Icon
Williams, Paul0115 9515047Professor of Molecular MicrobiologyEnvelope Icon
Winfield, Carl0115 951 3403Building and Operations ManagerEnvelope Icon
Winzer, Klaus0115 8232247Associate Professor; PGT Senior TutorEnvelope Icon
Withers, Ian0115 8466069Technical SpecialistEnvelope Icon
Wooldridge, Karl0115 82 30743Associate Professor and Course Director for MSc Clinical MicrobiologyEnvelope Icon
Wright, Victoria0115 82 30665Senior Experimental OfficerEnvelope Icon


Zhang, Ying0115 7486119Assistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon

Centre for Biomolecular Sciences

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NR7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 846 8001