CBS Researchers Forum

Image of Robert Markus

Robert Markus

Senior Technician, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences



Work experience

  • 2014 - present , Senior Imaging Technician, Super Resolution Microscopy, School of Life Sciences, Univ. of Nottingham
  • 2011 - 2014 Postdoctoral researcher, Stockholm University, Sweden
  • 2006 - 2010 Young Investigator Fellow, BRC-Szeged, Hungarian Academy of Science


  • 2006 PhD, University of Szeged, Hungary
  • 2001 MSc Biology, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania

Additional training & Workshops

  • ATP - associate teachers program - completed, UoN

Microscopy related meetings workshops

  • Frontiers of BioImaging Workshops, UK
  • MMC of Royal Microscopical Society, UK
  • Super Resolution Imaging Workshops, Leeds, UK
  • Elyra Super Resolution Meetings, UK
  • Advanced Super resolution Course, Jena Germany (2016)
  • Microscopy Workshops & Demos
  • Super-resolution workshop, Edinburgh, UK (2014)
  • Super-resolution workshop, SciLifeLab, Sweden (2014)


  • awarded images at Nikon Small World, Royal Microscopical society, EMBO coverpage

Expertise Summary

Microscopy techniques: Super resolution SIM, STORM, PALM, Advanced fluorescence: FRAP, FRET, TIRF, Confocal microscopy, two photon microscopy, wide field fluorescence, live cell imaging, bright field: Polarisation, DIC, Phase Contrast, histology sections, macroscopy, low magnification reproduction techniques, micro studio lightning techniques, image processing and analysis

Other technical skills and experience: FACS (cell sorter), immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, Western Blot, Immune precipitation, Infection assays (bacterial, nematodes, parasitoid wasps), cell lab techniques, drosophila genetics, nematode maintenance, stem cells, plant histology.

Other: photography, videography, image and movie editing

Teaching Summary

One to one teaching : training users to use confocal, super resolution microscopes, image processing and analysis, figure preparation Courses& Seminars on microscopy for Undergraduate and… read more

Research Summary


  • Optimization of super resolution microscopy in a multi user environment
  • Development and design of test samples for super resolution microscopy
  • Development of high resolution mounting media in collaboration with Citifluor, in order to improve SIM and STORM microscopy
  • One to one teaching : training users to use confocal, super resolution microscopes, image processing and analysis, figure preparation
  • Courses& Seminars on microscopy for Undergraduate and Doctoral Training Program students

Past Research


  • Insect pathogens, naturally occurring infection systems (Entomopathogenic nematode infections of Drosophila)
  • Analysis of RNA sequencing data of RAS induced salivary gland tumours in Drosophila and investigation of cellular immune response towards tumours (microscopy approach)
  • Ecological immunology - design, develop methods to investigate cellular immune response of leaf beetles, across Sweden, towards parasitoid wasps.


  • Immunology, Innate immunity, and blood cell development in Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila ananassae (PhD years and Young investigator fellowship), Szeged, Hungary
  • Discovery of new hematopoietic tissue and discovery of multinucleated giant blood cells in D ananassae.
  • Discovery of new phagocytosis receptor family (Nimrod genes)

Centre for Biomolecular Sciences

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NR7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 846 8001