CBS Researchers Forum

Image of Ravinder Anand-Ivell

Ravinder Anand-Ivell

Director of Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Research, & Associate Professor in Endocrinology and Reproductive Physiology, Faculty of Science



Ravinder is researching the hormone systems which govern fertility and reproductive health in men and women, as well as in domestic and other species, and is particularly interested in how early life experience, including lifestyle and nutrition, can dictate the health of an individual later in life and during ageing. Ravinder is also engaged in the development of a number of novel assay systems supporting both human and veterinary clinical science. Besides reproduction, Ravinder is interested in developing and understanding novel cell-based models for evaluating other tissues, including kidney and adrenal functions. She brings with her a long international experience of research, teaching and supervision from Europe, Asia, and Australia.

At various undergraduate and postgraduate levels, Ravinder teaches modules on Reproduction, Endocrine Systems, and Antibody Biotechnology. She is a firm believer in using research to inform her teaching. Ravinder supervises researchers at all levels (UG, PG, postdoc, senior scientist and internship candidates).

Expertise Summary

Research Keywords

  • Health across the lifespan
  • Reproductive physiology and fertility
  • Cells and Hormones
  • Lifestyle, nutrition, and healthy ageing
  • Environmental endocrine disruption


  • Endocrinology and physiology of male and female reproduction in humans and domestic species, looking at foetal development, as well as puberty and adult function, including ageing.
  • Cell culture and molecular analysis of primary and secondary cell systems from human and domestic species, with emphasis on both male and female reproductive physiology and their regulation.
  • Cell signalling, particularly studying the role of novel G-protein-coupled receptors in reproductive cells and other tissues.
  • Sperm biology.
  • Development of novel immunoassays for the measurement of hormones and signalling molecules in a variety of different matrices, mostly employing a time-resolved fluorescence immunoassay (TRFIA) platform.

Teaching Summary

I teach in the following UG and PG modules

Introductory Physiology (BIOS1001)

Reproductive Physiology (BIOS2011) (convenor)

Endocrinology Control Systems (BIOS2028) (convenor)

Reproduction and Fertility (D236Z5)

Academic Development and Employability skills (D21BP1)

Antibody Biotechnology (BIOS4004)

Research Summary

The role of the neohormones relaxin and INSL3, and their G-protein-coupled receptors, in male and female physiology. In the male this relates to foetal development, puberty, and healthy ageing; in… read more

Current Research

  • The role of the neohormones relaxin and INSL3, and their G-protein-coupled receptors, in male and female physiology. In the male this relates to foetal development, puberty, and healthy ageing; in the female to fertility and miscarriage, as well as to ovarian dysfunction.
  • The role of foetal gender on maternal physiology.
  • Mechanisms of action of environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals, such as phthalates and xenoestrogens, in influencing the reproductive phenotype.
  • Non-classical actions of steroid hormones on reproductive cells and tissues.
  • Development of a new cell-based kidney model for evaluating excretion.

Centre for Biomolecular Sciences

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NR7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 846 8001