Recap of atopic eczema (RECAP)
an outcome measurement instrument to capture ‘eczema control’
RECAP is a seven-item questionnaire designed to capture the experience of eczema control in all ages and eczema severities.
There are two versions: a self-reported version for adults/older children and a caregiver-reported version for younger children.
RECAP is one of the core outcome instruments recommended by the Harmonizing Outcome Measures for Eczema (HOME) initiative.
RECAP is free to use, but please request permission to use it.
RECAP is now available to download on mobile devices. Using the app, My Eczema Tracker, RECAP can be completed electronically and the score automatically calculated. Additionally, RECAP scores are stored, so eczema control can be tracked over weeks and months. My Eczema tracker contains POEM as well as RECAP, both are questionnaires recommended for use by the Harmonizing Outcomes for Eczema initiative (HOME).
or search My Eczema Tracker in your app store.
Need to report an issue? If you've encounted a bug or error with the app, please get in touch.
Accessibility statement
Please send us a request to create or use translations. Additionally, If you're intending to translate POEM into another language, we kindly request you complete our checklist.
If you wish to recreate the layout of the form, we have provided a microsoft word template.
Note: We have not assessed the quality of the translations, however we have provided methodological details where available.
Table of RECAP translations
| Self-reported | Caregiver-reported | Methodological details | Acknowledgements |
Arabic (for Lebanon) |
Download |
Download |
Download |
Courtesy of Jinane El Khoury Okais (MD), LAU Medical Center - Rizk Hospital |
Chinese |
Download |
Download |
Download |
Courtesy of the Atopic Dermatitis Team, Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine |
Dutch |
Courtesy of Jart Oosterhaven1 Madelon Bronner2 Rosalie Baardman1 Aviel Ragamin2 Margreet Romeijn1 Marie-Louise Schuttelaar1
1 University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, Department of Dermatology, Groningen, the Netherlands.
2 Erasmus MC, Universitair Medisch Centrum Rotterdam
French (for Belgium) |
No acknowledgement requested.
German |
Download |
Download |
Validation paper
Courtesy of Michaela Gabes1,2, Christina Tischer1, Anne Herrmann2, Christian Apfelbacher1 Laura Howells3
1Institute of Social Medicine and Health Economics, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany
2Medical Sociology, Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany
3Centre of Evidence Based Dermatology, The University of Nottingham, King's Meadow Campus, Nottingham, UK
German (for Austria) |
Download |
Courtesy of Medidata Solutions, translated by TransPerfect
Japanese (for Japan) |
Download |
Download |
Courtesy of Takaaki Itonaga, M.D., Sagamihara National Hospital, Japan
Spanish |
Download |
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Courtesy of Maria del Mar Onteniente-Gomis1, MSc, Pablo L Ortiz-Romero1, 2, PhD, Fátima Tous Romero1, MD, Ana Belen Salamanca Castro1, PhD, Francisco Javier Ortiz de Frutos 1, 2, PhD,
Institution: 1Department of Dermatology, 12 de Octubre Hospital. Institute i+12. 2 Facultad de Medicina, Complutense University Madrid.
Scoring instructions
- Each of the seven questions in RECAP carries equal weight and is scored from 0 to 4 (total score of 0-28).
- If one question is left unanswered this is scored 0 and the scores are summed and expressed as usual out of a maximum of 28.
- If two or more questions are left unanswered the questionnaire is not scored.
- If two or more response options are selected, the response option with the highest score should be recorded.
The table below shows how the scoring rules apply to the responses for each question:
Score | Question 1 | Question 2, 3, 6 | Question 4, 5 | Question 7 |
0 |
Very Good |
No days |
Not at all |
Completely acceptable |
1 |
Good |
1-2 days |
A little bit |
Mostly acceptable |
2 |
OK |
3-4 days |
Quite a lot |
Quite acceptable |
3 |
Bad |
5-6 days |
A huge amount |
Not very acceptable |
4 |
Very bad |
Every day |
Completely |
Not at all acceptable |
Frequently asked questions
Can I use RECAP?
We are delighted that you would like to use RECAP. It is free to use and openly available to all. We do however ask you to request permission to use RECAP. This allows us to keep track of how RECAP is being used.
What do I need to know about the copyright for RECAP?
The copyright of RECAP is retained with the authors. The content is licenced under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided that the Contribution is properly cited (see reference below).
Can I adapt the wording or presentation of RECAP?
When using RECAP for research purposes, we recommend that you do not make any changes to the wording of RECAP. We also ask that you maintain the underlining of the word ‘intensely’ in question 3 (or differentiate this word in another way if underlining is not possible) and maintain the order of the questions. This guidance is suggested to ensure that RECAP scores can be easily compared across research studies.
Can I translate RECAP into a different language or adapt it for use in a different population?
We are delighted that you would like to create a translation or cross-cultural adaptation of RECAP. Please complete our request form.
If you create a translated or cross-culturally adapted version of RECAP, we ask that you complete our checklist and send us your final version for depositing on our webpage to improve the accessibility of RECAP worldwide and avoid duplication.
If you wish to recreate the layout of the form, we have provided a microsoft word template.
Is the original English version of RECAP suitable for use in all English-speaking countries?
The original version of RECAP has been developed in a UK English speaking population. It is likely that this version may be suitable for use in other English-speaking countries, but for research purposes it may be necessary to consider cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the RECAP for use in a different population.
Main reference:
Howells, L., J. R. Chalmers, S. Gran, A. Ahmed, C. Apfelbacher, T. Burton, L. Howie et al. Development and initial testing of a new instrument to measure the experience of eczema control in adults and children: Recap of atopic eczema (RECAP). British Journal of Dermatology (2019).
Other relevant publications:
Zhang J, Ragamin A, Romeijn GLE, Loman L, Oosterhaven JAF, Schuttelaar MA. Validity, reliability, responsiveness, and interpretability of the Recap of atopic eczema (RECAP) questionnaire. Br J Dermatol. 2023.
MM. Onteniente-Gomis, PL Ortiz-Romero, F. Tous Romero AB. Salamanca Castro, FJ. Ortiz de Frutos. Spanish Version of the Recap Questionnaire to Assess Control of Atopic Eczema: Translation, Cultural Adaptation, Validation, and Correlations With Other Patient-Reported Outcome Measures Actas Dermosifiliogr (2023)
Leshem YA, Chalmers JR, Apfelbacher C, Katoh N, Gerbens LAA, Schmitt J, Spuls PI, Thomas KS, Howells L, Williams HC, Simpson EL; Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema (HOME) initiative. Measuring Atopic Eczema Control and Itch Intensity in Clinical Practice: A Consensus Statement From the Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema in Clinical Practice (HOME-CP) Initiative. JAMA Dermatol. (2022)
A. Bhanot, T.J. Peters, M.J. Ridd. Validation of the RECap of AtoPic eczema measure of eczema control for use in dermatology clinics. British Journal of Dermatology (2021).
A. Bhanot, T.J. Peters, M.J. Ridd. Assessing the validity, responsiveness and reliability of the RECAP measure of eczema control. British Journal of Dermatology (2020).
Gabes M, Tischer C, Herrmann A, Howells L, Apfelbacher C. The German RECAP questionnaire: linguistic validation and cognitive debriefing in German adults with self-reported atopic eczema and parents of affected children. J Patient Rep Outcomes. (2021)