Studied Physics between 2005 and 2009 at the University of York, obtaining an M.Phys. degree with first class honours.
Joined the Magnetic X-ray Scattering Group of the Department of Physics at the University of Warwick in 2009. Worked on a project to investigate the spin momentum densities of several novel magnetic materials using the experimental technique of magnetic Compton scattering. Thesis title: Spin densities in 4f and 3d magnetic systems. Ph.D. supervisors: Jon Duffy and Gavin Bell.
Joined the Additive Manufacturing Research Group at the University of Nottingham in 2013. I worked as a post-doctoral research fellow on projects to develop strong, lightweight aluminium components with internal lattice structures by selective laser melting (SLM). In the last few years I have focussed on design-for-AM methods, including cellular structure, or 'lattice', generation. In October 2021 I became Assistant Professor in the Department on Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering.
Teaching Summary
Teaching at Nottingham
- Advanced Topics in Additive Manufacturing - module convener.
- Advanced Characterisation and Metrology - module convener.
- Fundamentals of Additive Manufacturing - contributor.
- Programming, Professional & Laboratory Skills - Matlab teacher.
- Engineering Design and Design Project - design tutor.
- Additive Manufacturing & 3D-Printing - contributor.
In addition to the above, I am also Year 2 Lead for Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering courses.
Research Summary
Currently working on the EPSRC-funded ASSAM project (AI Synthesis of Structures via Additive Manufacturing) - EP/X016854/1. The project will examine the training of neural networks with hierarchical… read more
Current Research
Currently working on the EPSRC-funded ASSAM project (AI Synthesis of Structures via Additive Manufacturing) - EP/X016854/1. The project will examine the training of neural networks with hierarchical natural materials (cellular bone, for example) to develop new solutions for structural engineering problems.