Centre for Additive Manufacturing
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact
Head of Group
Hague, Richard+44 115 951 3962Professor of Additive Manufacturing; Director, Centre for Additive Manufacturing (CfAM)Envelope Icon
Ashcroft, Ian01158468447Professor of Solid MechanicsEnvelope Icon
Goodridge, Ruth0115 95 14051Professor of Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing)Envelope Icon
Irvine, Derek0115 95 14088Professor of Materials ChemistryEnvelope Icon
Tuck, Christopher0115 95 13702/ 0115 74 86855Faculty Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research & Knowledge Exchange and Professor of Materials EngineeringEnvelope Icon
Wildman, Ricky0115 8466893Professor of Multiphase Flow and MechanicsEnvelope Icon
Associate Professors
Baumers, Martinn/aAssociate Professor in Additive Manufacturing ManagementEnvelope Icon
Maskery, Ian01157 484615Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Turyanska, Lyudmilan/aAssociate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Assistant Professors
Gilani, Negarn/aAssistant Professor of Solid MechanicsEnvelope Icon
He, Yinfengn/aAssistant Professor, Faculty of EngineeringEnvelope Icon
Parry, Luke0115 82 32334Assistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Rivers, Geoffreyx68441Assistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Simonelli, Marco0115 9514068Assistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact
Askari, Aminn/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Attwood, Simonn/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Cuzzucoli Crucitti, Valentinan/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Forchetti Casarino, Agustinn/aAdditive Manufacturing Research Scientist / EngineerEnvelope Icon
Ghanizadeh Tabriz, Atabakn/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Wang, Feirann/aSENIOR RESEARCH FELLOWEnvelope Icon
Zhou, Fengn/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Zou, Zhiyin/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact
Administrative Staff
Axinte, Mirela+44 (0) 115 8466374Research Operations ManagerEnvelope Icon
Betts, Charlotten/aResearch AdministratorEnvelope Icon
Brookes, Claudian/aResearch AdministratorEnvelope Icon
Kingsley, Rachael0115 7484712AdministratorEnvelope Icon
Villarroel, Flavia+44 (0) 115 846 6096Senior Programme ManagerEnvelope Icon
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact
Technical Staff
East, Mark+44(0)115 74 84138Senior Technical Specialist- Additive Manufacturing ResearchEnvelope Icon
Hardy, Mark0115 7484139Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing Senior Research TechnicianEnvelope Icon
Whitbread, Adam01157484031Research TechnicianEnvelope Icon
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact
Postgraduate Students
Alhammadi, Alyan/aPhD StudentEnvelope Icon
Austin, Jonathann/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Bulloch, Alasdairn/aPhD StudentEnvelope Icon
Burton, Danieln/aPost Graduate ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Caruana, James Wilfordn/aP.hD. StudentEnvelope Icon
Connor, Samueln/aEnvelope Icon
Della Crociata, Diegon/aEnvelope Icon
Devine, Cameronn/aPhD Student at the Harvey Molecular Imaging LabEnvelope Icon
GANGWAR, Sudhanshun/aMSCA PhD Candidate:EMByAMEnvelope Icon
Gao, Xiangyunn/aPostgraduatesEnvelope Icon
George, Katherinen/aEnvelope Icon
Gibbon, Samueln/aEnvelope Icon
Girerd, Thomas+33686874430PhD in Additive ManufacturingEnvelope Icon
Gonzalez Abrego, Anan/aEnvelope Icon
Heaton, Charlesn/aPhD StudentEnvelope Icon
Hill, Jordann/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Hope, Kylen/aPhD StudentEnvelope Icon
Husband, Bethanyn/aPhD Student, Centre for Additive ManufacturingEnvelope Icon
Kayacan, Muhammed Esadn/aPhD studentEnvelope Icon
McMullen, Ryann/aEnvelope Icon
Mitzakoff, Annan/aPhD Student - Manufacturing and Process EngineeringEnvelope Icon
Nelson-Dummett, Olivern/aPost Graduate ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Ollekkatt Sivadas, Binshan/aPhD StudentEnvelope Icon
Padrao, Danieln/aDoctoral ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Patel, Krishnan/aEnvelope Icon
Pritchard, William+44 7803 441515PhD Student, Centre for Additive ManufacturingEnvelope Icon
Quach, Tien Thuyn/aPhD CandidateEnvelope Icon
Smith, Kierann/aPhD Student in Additive Manufacturing of Complex Ceramic ComponentsEnvelope Icon
Smith, Thomasn/aPhD StudentEnvelope Icon
Spragg, Dannyn/aPhD StudentEnvelope Icon
Torres, Ariellen/aPhD Student in Additive ManufacturingEnvelope Icon
Wang, Xiao Yuann/aPhD Student, Centre for Additive ManufacturingEnvelope Icon
Ward, Ellien/aPhD StudentEnvelope Icon
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact


Alhammadi, Alyan/aPhD StudentEnvelope Icon
Ashcroft, Ian01158468447Professor of Solid MechanicsEnvelope Icon
Askari, Aminn/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Attwood, Simonn/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Austin, Jonathann/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Axinte, Mirela+44 (0) 115 8466374Research Operations ManagerEnvelope Icon


Baumers, Martinn/aAssociate Professor in Additive Manufacturing ManagementEnvelope Icon
Betts, Charlotten/aResearch AdministratorEnvelope Icon
Brookes, Claudian/aResearch AdministratorEnvelope Icon
Bulloch, Alasdairn/aPhD StudentEnvelope Icon
Burton, Danieln/aPost Graduate ResearcherEnvelope Icon


Caruana, James Wilfordn/aP.hD. StudentEnvelope Icon
Connor, Samueln/aEnvelope Icon
Cuzzucoli Crucitti, Valentinan/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon


Della Crociata, Diegon/aEnvelope Icon
Devine, Cameronn/aPhD Student at the Harvey Molecular Imaging LabEnvelope Icon


East, Mark+44(0)115 74 84138Senior Technical Specialist- Additive Manufacturing ResearchEnvelope Icon


Forchetti Casarino, Agustinn/aAdditive Manufacturing Research Scientist / EngineerEnvelope Icon


GANGWAR, Sudhanshun/aMSCA PhD Candidate:EMByAMEnvelope Icon
Gao, Xiangyunn/aPostgraduatesEnvelope Icon
George, Katherinen/aEnvelope Icon
Ghanizadeh Tabriz, Atabakn/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Gibbon, Samueln/aEnvelope Icon
Gilani, Negarn/aAssistant Professor of Solid MechanicsEnvelope Icon
Girerd, Thomas+33686874430PhD in Additive ManufacturingEnvelope Icon
Gonzalez Abrego, Anan/aEnvelope Icon
Goodridge, Ruth0115 95 14051Professor of Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing)Envelope Icon


Hague, Richard+44 115 951 3962Professor of Additive Manufacturing; Director, Centre for Additive Manufacturing (CfAM)Envelope Icon
Hardy, Mark0115 7484139Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing Senior Research TechnicianEnvelope Icon
Heaton, Charlesn/aPhD StudentEnvelope Icon
He, Yinfengn/aAssistant Professor, Faculty of EngineeringEnvelope Icon
Hill, Jordann/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Hope, Kylen/aPhD StudentEnvelope Icon
Husband, Bethanyn/aPhD Student, Centre for Additive ManufacturingEnvelope Icon


Irvine, Derek0115 95 14088Professor of Materials ChemistryEnvelope Icon


Kayacan, Muhammed Esadn/aPhD studentEnvelope Icon
Kingsley, Rachael0115 7484712AdministratorEnvelope Icon


Maskery, Ian01157 484615Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
McMullen, Ryann/aEnvelope Icon
Mitzakoff, Annan/aPhD Student - Manufacturing and Process EngineeringEnvelope Icon


Nelson-Dummett, Olivern/aPost Graduate ResearcherEnvelope Icon


Ollekkatt Sivadas, Binshan/aPhD StudentEnvelope Icon


Padrao, Danieln/aDoctoral ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Parry, Luke0115 82 32334Assistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Patel, Krishnan/aEnvelope Icon
Pritchard, William+44 7803 441515PhD Student, Centre for Additive ManufacturingEnvelope Icon


Quach, Tien Thuyn/aPhD CandidateEnvelope Icon


Rivers, Geoffreyx68441Assistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon


Simonelli, Marco0115 9514068Assistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Smith, Kierann/aPhD Student in Additive Manufacturing of Complex Ceramic ComponentsEnvelope Icon
Smith, Thomasn/aPhD StudentEnvelope Icon
Spragg, Dannyn/aPhD StudentEnvelope Icon


Torres, Ariellen/aPhD Student in Additive ManufacturingEnvelope Icon
Tuck, Christopher0115 95 13702/ 0115 74 86855Faculty Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research & Knowledge Exchange and Professor of Materials EngineeringEnvelope Icon
Turyanska, Lyudmilan/aAssociate ProfessorEnvelope Icon


Villarroel, Flavia+44 (0) 115 846 6096Senior Programme ManagerEnvelope Icon


Wang, Feirann/aSENIOR RESEARCH FELLOWEnvelope Icon
Wang, Xiao Yuann/aPhD Student, Centre for Additive ManufacturingEnvelope Icon
Ward, Ellien/aPhD StudentEnvelope Icon
Whitbread, Adam01157484031Research TechnicianEnvelope Icon
Wildman, Ricky0115 8466893Professor of Multiphase Flow and MechanicsEnvelope Icon


Zhou, Fengn/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Zou, Zhiyin/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon

Centre for Additive Manufacturing

Faculty of Engineering
The University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

email: CfAM@nottingham.ac.uk