Research Fellow, Faculty of Engineering
Valentina is born in Rome where she graduated with honour in 2016 in Industrial Chemistry at the University of Rome "La Sapienza". Her master project was about the study of intermolecular interaction and the characterisation of abietic acid/chitosan solid dispersions possessing antimicrobial and antioxidant properties under the supervision of Dott. Iolanda Francolini.
She started her PhD as part of the 'Next Generation Biometarials Discovery' programme grant based in School of Pharmacy at the University of Nottingham. She joined the group in October 2016 and she has worked on the design and synthesis of amphiphilic copolymers with different 3D architectures and biological properties. These materials, thanks to an amphiphilic structure, exhibited the properties to be viable surfactants for the stabilisation of Oil-in-Water emulsion to produce microparticles in flow using a Flow Focusing microfluidic system. In 2021, she successfully passed her viva.
In February 2021 she started a new Research Followship founded by the BBSRC on the Development and exploitation of a bioactives-free technology for tackling fungal threats to food security, goods and health.
Faculty of Engineering The University of Nottingham Nottingham, NG7 2RD